Aims - Prison Fellowship Switzerland - Restorative Justice

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Restorative Justice
  • Provide the direct stakeholders with an opportunity for active involvement in the Criminal Justice Process. Allow them to do their own part to achieve a healing form of justice.

  • Participation for victims is always on a voluntary basis.

  • Encourage a dialogue between the stakeholders that promotes healing, restoration, and restitution.

  • Identify and analyze the necessary steps to repair the harm caused through crime.

  • Hold offenders accountable for their responsibility, create victim-awareness, and reduce recidivism. Support them in offering direct restitution to the victim.

  • Offer offenders opportunities for reintegration into the community, strengthening their relational network.

  • Strengthen public safety through community building.

  • The task of the government is to maintain public peace and order. The community’s responsibility is to build and maintain a just justice and peace. Restorative Justice puts the victim at the center, being concerned about restoration and restitution, rather than punishing the offender.

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